Mastering the act of public speaking for many people may be a nightmare initially, especially when one does not know the basics for making notable speeches for any occasions/audience. Those who have mastered this act of speaking in public may say the contrary i.e. public speaking is simple and easy, which gets better as they experiment with several platforms too. A good speech can leave permanent impression and win overwhelming support for instance, US President Barrack Obama’s inauguration speech in 2008, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s I have a dream speech in 1963, UK PM David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Malcolm X’s speeches and many more. The common bible quote: ‘out of abundance of the heart the mouth speaks…’ goes to show the essence of good speeches cannot be over stated. However, experts have advanced 3 simple useful guidelines as follows:
Adequate preparation – The first step to actualizing good public speaking is preparations, which involves writing down a piece of the draft speech and review it as many times as possible. There is the need to get familiar with about 90% of the issues to be discussed and hitting the right notes in speech. The question should be what do people want to hear? That must be answered through wider consultations in one’s preparation for this moment of truth well in advance.
Expected audience – When one is about to speak to an audience that comprises different sections of people such as academia, political groups, market people, campaign crowd, students etc., there is need to consider their level of understanding. Presenting a speech may become difficult most times because, speakers may need to quickly adjust to prevailing atmosphere other than the format of the speech prepared to accommodate things not originally envisaged. Feedbacks from audience should be appreciated as it assist to ensure communications is achieved, for instance, cheers, shouts, singing may prove that language of speech is understood (i.e. who is listening?). Some audience may judge one from speaker’s wearable (i.e. how do you look?)
Results and outcome – Like many endeavours, reactions generated by a good speech can be positive or negative depending on situations. One’s audience can produce mixed reactions to a speech almost instantaneously, if the speech is understood well enough. The success of any act of public speaking lies with its audience/listeners, which help them to form new opinions and strengthen the bond of loyalty/support or otherwise to a speech presentation. Recently, lots of investments have gone into speech making processes especially in area business advertisements, marketing politics and government administrations. Members of audience in a speech making event should be able to meticulously gauge real values and stakes of the speaker, which help them to answer the question – what message does the speaker wants to pass across?
Improve your value, loyalty, support and brand today by adapting these simple guidelines of public speech presentations whether in politics, business, academia, governments, administration etc., and reinvent yourself and people’s perceptions about you. However, practice they say makes for perfection. Begin by practicing how to write a good speech and listen to good speakers too.
Written By: Abraham AlfaThe post Simple Guidelines for improving your acts of good public speaking appeared first on Aphroden.