![Source: healthland.time.com]()
Orin's story continues this week! You can read past chapters here
It is a cold Friday night.
I am in my hospital room and I have been here for 2 days now. Dr. Sowande says I will put to bed anytime soon.
Sunmade just stepped out of the room to get something to eat. My mother was here all day till 5. My in-laws came briefly in the morning with fruits and the promise that they will return early tomorrow.
I am starting to feel a tad uncomfortable. It will be time soon but I am not afraid. One of the nurses peeps into the room.
“You called me, Mrs MacGregor.”
“It’s time.” I sit up in my bed with a pillow wedged between my back and the bedpost.
She nods. “Give me a minute, madam.”
About fifteen minutes later, I am lying on my back in the theatre.
The walls are white.
The air is not exactly stagnant…but it is metallic.
Like blood, maybe.
The nurse tells me Sunmade is on his way. My contractions are about ten minutes apart now.
Doctor Sowande and Sunmade come into the theatre together. Sunmade’s face is twisted in apprehension but Doctor Sowande’s is in mastered professional calm.
There are three nurses here now.
My legs wide apart make me feel vulnerable.
“You’ll be fine, Orin. I’m here.” Sunmade is holding my hand and patting my head.
“Where’s my mother?”
“She’s on her way.” He wipes the sweat from my brow and kisses my head.
My contractions are coming at shorter intervals.
The pain is greater than anything I have ever felt. I feel like my insides are being squeezed and stretched. The doctor is saying something about Epidural.
“I don’t want it.”
“But you’re in pain.” Sunmade argues.
“Your cervix is not fully dilated Mrs Macgregor.” Doctor states, “your contractions are only three minutes apart.”
“What does that mean?” Sunmade asks. Sparks of worry fly from his mouth.
“It means we cannot begin. Would you like for us to administer Epi-”
“No. We would not like for you to administer anything.” I glare my irritation at him.
I do not know how long I have been in the theatre. I do know that it is an early hour of the morning and I have my boy in my arms.
The most important people in my life are around me.
I have never felt more woman than I do now.
The post Orin’s Story: Birth appeared first on Aphroden.