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Do you say this is genius, talented or gift person? Alia Sabur was born on 22nd February, 1989 in New York City, New York. Alia Sabur is the youngest university Professor that has ever lived. Of course we have heard several stories of gifted children in other field of endeavor such as in computing, mass media, acting the list can go on. But for younger Alia Sabur, she displaced her special talent at the tender age to her parents, when she started reading at about eight months old of age.
At her elementary school, her teachers soon noticed that Alia Sabur had very rear academic skills and she was advice to start college at 4th grade of her elementary studies. Alia Sabur at 10 years old enrolled into Stony Brook University, USA, where she graduated four years later with summa cum laude (the USA’s highest Academic honour), B.SC. in applied mathematics. She later proceeded to Drexel University to complete her research work for her M.Sc., and P.hD. in material science engineering.
Things you don’t know about Prof. Alia Sabur:
1Alia Sabur appointed a full faculty professor in Konkur University, Seoul, South Korea at the age of 18.
2 Prof. Alia Sabur holds a Guinness World Record as World’s youngest professor in 2008 for her academic achievements at that age of 18 topping previous record set by Colin Maclaurin (a student of Isaac Newton in 1717).
3 She is a great thinker in her field of research winning several awards such as NASA, the Department of Defense, GAANN and the NSF.
4 She has performed with world-class musicians at Juilliard as a chamber musician, orchestral member, soloist etc.
5 Alia Sabur is an American mathematician and material scientist.
6 Prof. Sabur is parented by American former reporter mother, Julie Sabur and Pakistani father, Mohammed Sabur.
7 She incredibly tested off the IQ Scale as a first grader at elementary school.
8 Alia is a recipient of prestigious Black belt in Korean Martial art Tae Kwon Do at age of 9.
9 She instituted a civil lawsuit against Dexel University authority and her P.hD supervisor, Yury Gegotsi for patents and collecting grants based on her work/ideas without giving her the credit.
10 Prof. Sabur has contributed to the medical field with her research to the developing nanotube-based cellular probes.
11 Her idea helped to stop in the notorious Gulf of Mexico BP Oil leak.
12 She believes in the application of knowledge and that arouse her passion for teaching and research. Her favorite quote is from Johann Wolfgang: knowing is not enough, we must apply.
By: Abraham Alfa
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“I'm an American writer. I'm a Nigerian writer. I'm a Nigerian American writer. I'm an African writer. I'm a Yoruba writer. I'm an African American writer. I'm a writer who feels very close to literary practice in India—which I go to quite often—and to writers over there. So bring it on! I don't want to be called just one thing.”
Teju Cole
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1. Radiance of Tomorrow - Ishmael Beah Former Sierra Leonean child soldier, Ishmael Beal’s first novel - Radiance of Tomorrow is centred on Benjamin and Bockarie, two long-time friends who return to their hometown, Imperi, after the civil war. The village is in ruins, the ground covered in bones. As more villagers begin to come back, Benjamin and Bockarie try to forge a new community by taking up their former posts as teachers, but they’re beset by obstacles: a scarcity of food; a rash of murders, thievery, rape, and retaliation; and the depredations of a foreign mining company intent on sullying the town’s water supply and blocking its paths with electric wires. As Benjamin and Bockarie search for a way to restore order, they’re forced to reckon with the uncertainty of their past and future alike.
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“Like beggars, first-time novelists can't be choosers. We just aim to be readable.”
Taiye Selasi
Born Taiye Wosornu (alongside her twin, Yetsa Tulaki-Wosornu) on November 2nd, 1979 to Nigerian (and part Scottish) pediatrician Dr. Juliette Tuakli and Ghanaian surgeon Dr. Lade Wosornu in London, England and raised in Boston, Massachusetts (U.S.).The post 16 INTERESTING FACTS ON GHANA MUST GO AUTHOR, TAIYE SELASI appeared first on Aphroden.
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"… to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind."
(An excerpt of Nobel’s will, which dictates that his entire remaining estate should be used for the Prizes.)
If footballers have the World Cup and, actors have the Oscars, then writers have … The Nobel Prize (for Literature). Here are a few things you should know about The Nobel Prize: 1. It was named after the Swedish chemist, Alfred B. Nobel (1833–1896), an engineer who invented the dynamite. 2. It is awarded annually (since 1901), without regard to nationality, in six areas – Peace, Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Economic Sciences 3. The winner of a Nobel Prize is called ‘Nobel Laureate’. 4. The award consists of a medal (which has inscriptions, except the Economics medal), a personal diploma, and a cash prize (8 million Swedish kroner (SEK) - almost $1.2 million U.S. dollars.)
1. The first African to win the Nobel Prize in Literature was Nigerian author, poet, playwright and political activist, Wole Soyinka (1986). His acceptance speech, "This Past Must Address Its Present", was devoted to South African freedom-fighter Nelson Mandela.
2. The first and only female African to win was South African writer and political activist Nadine Gordimer (1991); a member of the African National Congress, who fought the system in her political life and her writings.
3. No one has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature more than once.
4. The Nobel Medal for Literature was designed by Swedish sculptor and engraver Erik Lindberg and represents a young man sitting under a laurel tree who, enchanted, listens to and writes down the song of the Muse.
5. 110 individuals have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 1901-2013.
6. The youngest Literature Laureate is Rudyard Kipling, best known for The Jungle Book, he was 42 years old when he was awarded the Literature Prize in 1907.
7. Only 13 women have won the award since 1901.
8. The oldest Literature Laureate is Doris Lessing, aged 88 when she was awarded the Prize in 2007.
9. Many believe that Sir Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but he was actually awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature. Churchill was nominated 20 times for the Literature Prize and twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.
10. Only 4 Africans have won the Literature Prize.
And here are fun facts on ALFRED NOBEL:
1. He established the Nobel Prize because he was concerned about his legacy. After his brother Ludvig passed away, a French newspaper accidentally published Alfred's obituary instead, which stated "The merchant of death is dead." After all, he got rich thanks to an invention that could kill people. This prompted Nobel to think about a lasting, positive impact he could make on the world – and the Nobel Prize was born!
2. The synthetic element 102, nobelium, is named after him.
3. The Nobel Prizes are awarded every year on December 10, which is the anniversary of Nobel's death. The Peace Prize ceremony takes place in Oslo, Norway, and the rest of the prizes are presented at a ceremony in Stockholm.
4. Nobel contributed to the inventions of synthetic rubber, artificial silk, and synthetic leather. He held more than 350 patents.
A lover of English literature and poetry, Nobel wrote several novels and poems. At his death, he left a library of more than
By: Olusola Agbaje
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“As a child I was a voracious reader, I was fascinated with the written word.” Wole Soyinka
Wole Soyinka (Friday 13th, July 1934) is a literary legend in every sense of the word, not just in Africa but the world. His accomplishments are not limited to literature – though his greatest are, as they spill over to society atThe post African Literary Legend: WOLE SOYINKA appeared first on Aphroden.
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