To all students who are resuming from the ASUU strike break, welcome to you all and for those taking exams currently, the very best of luck to you all. With the few months taken by the strike and all that, there’s definitely going to be a rush in the school academic calendar – hate it or like it. There would be less social activities, every lecturer trying to be done with a syllabus/a scheme before examinations. Welcome to the tedious 2014 school year!
Anyway, to help combat stress and make your life in school much easier, here are a few tips you should follow.
1. Get enough sleep – Sleep invigorates your mind and body and relaxes your muscles for the activities of the next day. For a student, you should have at least 6 hours of sound sleep at night to avoid sleeping in class. For those who are nocturnal or prefer reading at night, try as much as possible to get enough rest during daytime/evening to balance for the hours.
2. Eat Good Food – A balanced diet is highly recommended at all times for a student. Eat healthy and stay away from illnesses and diseases. Avoid overfeeding and also avoid under-eating. Try your best also to eat as at when due and not having lunch when it’s dinner time. Also, don’t forget to take your breakfast. A lot of people do not understand that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it is the start-up for the brain.
3. Get a Good Laugh – A good laugh is very necessary most times. Laughter keeps you in check, cures those illnesses caused by tension, relaxes the mind and keeps you jolly. Don’t hesitate to hang out with friends once in a while, or see a good show, or watch a great movie. You can also rewind at some relaxation centre, a spa, get a good massage etc
4. Drink a lot of water – Water is essential for the proper functioning of the body and the body uses water in many ways. Therefore, there has to be a good amount of water in the body for normal day to day activities to go on without any hindrances.
5. Reduce smoking/alcohol consumption – Smoking weakens the lungs and alcohol kills the kidney. These habits most definitely would deter you from working and meeting up with the rush right now in the school’s calendar. For addicts, try as much as possible to reduce the intake.
All in all, attend lectures, pay attention and study effectively. Keep your mental being fit and watch those grades come, you won’t even know it’s a rush period!
Good luck!
By: Franklin Ugo
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