Journalism is a profession that places one at the cutting edge of life and is often regarded as the fourth estate of the realm. It is a profession with ethics just like other professions but with less tolerance for personal opinion, hence the saying: "fact is sancrosanct, opinion free."
African journalism has developed over time and the continent's pen pushers are more respected now more than ever as a result of their determination to prove that truly, the pen is mightier than the sword. Among this generation of reporters is a shining quintessence of how hard work in the profession can help advance ones career, no short cuts.
South African journalist, Msindisi Fengu, was Born on October 15th, 1984 in East London, South Africa.
He had his secondary education at Mthombe, King William's Town, South Africa in 2001 before proceeding to Border Technikon/Walter Sisulu University East London, South Africa for his tertiary education where he was awarded NDiploma: Journalism - Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs in 2006.
Msindisi Fengu was recently awarded the top prize at this year’s CNN MultiChoice African Journalist Awards Ceremony. Fengu and Monakali shared the overall ‘CNN MultiChoice African Journalist of the Year’ Award for their work ‘Investigation series: School hostels of Shame’, which appeared in South African daily print newspaper Daily Dispatch and was chosen from 1387 entries from 42 nations across the African continent.
The work investigates appalling conditions being experienced by thousands of pupils in the Eastern Cape, uncovering hygiene and safety risks in school hostels and lifting the lid on corruption within the education department.
His story which exposed horrifying conditions in the Eastern Cape's rural school hostels has also won the 7th Taco Kuiper Award for outstanding investigative journalism by South African media. He is a Senior Journalist at Daily Dispatch in South Africa.
He is an Award-winning journalist with a brief experience in marketing and public relations. According to him, "As a journalist, I strive to expose and report on any injustices to improve the lives of our communities. While, in the marketing, communication and public relations, I learned, hands-on, the workings of corporate communications at one of the South African universities. Which makes me to have, in a way, experience in both 'worlds'."
By Azeez Sanusi
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